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Jan 04, 2023
In MQC: Midweek Qs from Coach
From @Akash Bhate Here are a few strategies that help me stay focused. #5 is most important. Practice mindfulness, stay in the moment. 1. Have specific goals: could be - 10k or HM or reduce 10 mins and get PR. Point is - have it. Having a clear goal in mind can help you stay motivated and focused during your training. 2. Find a running buddy such as, within RHWB local run partners during weekend runs. Buddy can help to keep you on track and motivated. 3. FS not just app, talk to coach. Get involved. Running app like Final Serge have features that can help you stay on track with your training and monitor progress with your coach. Talk to coach about small or minor improvements such as getting to know what cadence is and get your in place. 4. Find a distraction-free environment: If possible, try to find a place to run where you won't be easily distracted. This could be a quiet neighborhood, a local park, or a trail like Greenway. 5. Practice mindfulness: Try to bring your attention to the present moment while you're running. Focus on your breath, your body, and your surroundings. This can help you stay in the moment and avoid getting distracted. 6. Use music or audio books: Listening to music or an audio book can help take your mind off of any distractions and keep you focused on your run. You may wonder with this I must have sub 2. Nah, i ran last HM at 3:20! Rumor rather jog. However, I am improving. From ACL injury where Doc says don’t walk more than 2 mile, I am at running HM. Your goal matters and it is your goal!
Aug 08, 2022
In MQC: Midweek Qs from Coach
What is the significance of this cartoon with our running journey?
S8 MQC5: Small drops make big ocean content media
Aug 08, 2022
In MQC: Midweek Qs from Coach
How does this picture relate to our running journey?
S8 MQC4: Enjoying the journey..  content media
Jul 27, 2022
In MQC: Midweek Qs from Coach
What do you understand from this picture as relates to our training program.. how does this concept apply to our current journey?
S8 MQC3: Problems and perspectives content media
Jul 04, 2022
In Running Theory & Techniques
Summer training is not to be taken lightly.. one easy way to keep yourself cool is dump lot of water on your head while running. Take a look at this video
Summer Training & Dumping! content media
Jun 28, 2022
In New Runners Corner
Hello Everyone First up welcome to the RHWB Lite program. Congrats on taking that first big step .. Successfully signing up for this program! Remember, this is a self serve program and for you to get the best out of it, you should make sure you have understood the orientation video well and have prepared to get the most out of it. Before we start the season, take some time to click on each of the links below to get yourself acquainted on the program and set yourself up for success Here is a quick checklist of items you need to be on top of before the season starts: Ensure you have downloaded the Final Surge App on your phone and set it up. (Watch this Final Surge Tutorial video , watch this video on how to check your assigned workouts in Final Surge) Connect your running watch to the final surge so that your runs are recorded against each of the activities in the training plan (Watch how to for IWatch here or Garmin here) Understand your watch functionalities and ensure you know how to operate it. (Check this video on how to record runs) Your training program will have runs as well as strength training exercises. Understand how to record strength training in your Final Surge (Check this video here) It is very important you have the right shoes and gears when you run. Check the orientation video again on this. Go through our resources page to properly prep yourself. Sign up for RHWB Website ( so that you can get access to weekly messages that I will be posting there. (Weekly Messages here, Podcast with runners here) When in doubt you should look at our FAQ page to get answers to your question Feel free to use our discussion boards and post your questions.. one of us will answer Going fwd.. time to time all my comms will be through Final Surge only. So ensure you are good on #1 Finally if you want to watch the orientation video again .. check in this forum for the thread To reiterate, this is a self serve program. That means you will not get access to regular coach feedback etc. To gain success in this program you should invest time and dedication. Follow all the weekend messages, training plan and dedicate yourself to it. I guarantee you will soon get into a positive spiral of self discovery and enrichment. As we move through the program if you are consistent, we will upgrade you to a Coach managed program as and when we get any cancellations in the main program Finally you all have a chance to get into the pro version as well. We normally see upto 15% attrition in the main program during the training. As and when that happens we will port you from Lite to pro version where you will get a dedicated coach for no extra $$. All you have to do is to ensure you follow the program and log activities in Final Surge. Priority will be given to those who are committed and dedicated to the program. If you are selected for this upgrade we will communicate to you through Final Surge on next steps Good luck Bala Head Coach, RHWB
May 10, 2022
In New Runners Corner
Here you go folks.. click on the link (Remember desktop is lot better experience) to access the orientation video Also do not forget to check out the FAQ page.. lot of your questions are addressed there
Mar 06, 2022
In MQC: Midweek Qs from Coach
How does this relate to running and our training for you? Where did you see this play out?
S8 MQC2: Life Doesn't Get Easier, You just get stronger.. content media
Mar 06, 2022
In MQC: Midweek Qs from Coach
This is about our topic for this meso - 'Control'. Pls offer what does the following statement mean to you from the context of running/Training...
S8 MQC1: Power Is Nothing Without Control content media
Mar 06, 2022
In Destination Runs
Destination runs could become one of the best part of a long distance running training program. Focussing facts.. There are two big opposing forces for successful completion of a long distance training program: Boredom/ Lethargy can set in after 8 weeks of doing the same thing A scheduled or unscheduled travel could at first seemingly appear to have disrupted your running plans What is a destination run? A destination run is when you run at a place that is outside your regular running areas and you run with an objective of not only completing a given run but also run to experience a location What is needed to execute a Destination Run? Mindset: You need to first get into a mindset where you are in the constant lookout for making a destination run possible. Few examples: You go for a vacation with family to Hawaii.. well fix a morning time before the kids wakeup and do a beautiful run on one of the beaches during that killer sunrise! - #Destination Run You are on an international official trip.. Fantastic opportunity to catch that one hour run through the city just before dinner. - #DestinationRun You are travelling to India.. Catch that Uber and drive to that wonderful spot in your city and run around that place. You would be surprised! You in NJ but never ran in NYC downtown? .. What is stopping you from taking a NJ TRansit and doing a world trade center/Wall street/China town run? Attitude: You should develop the right attitude to look for destination run opportunities. These dont come by itself.. you need to CREATE one.. not just for yourself but for others too Tactics: Pre plan, choose a hotel that lends itself to wonderful destination runs, Uber to good places if needed, Long runs esply if made into a destination run is a killer Why Destination Run?: You will experience a place like never before You will add #FUN to your runs effortlessly You will break the monotony Attaching few pics from my destination runs for you to enjoy.. Can you guess the locations?.. Send me a response
Add some fun to your runs! content media
Mar 04, 2022
In Health & Injuries
PF as it is usually called is a typical pain that manifests itself on the front of the knee cap. Early stage runners are more prone to get this. Before you think it is time for knee replacement surgery (Believe me many of us go down that path very soon..), let us first understand what is happening here. What is PF?: Patellofemoral pain syndrome symptoms include tenderness behind or around the patella (kneecap), usually toward the center. You may feel pain toward the back of your knee, and either a sense of cracking or that the knee is giving out. Steps, hills, and uneven terrain can aggravate the issue. Why it happens? Extra force placed on the knee joint due to overuse (increased activity), from repeated running or jumping or increasing your training intensity, which can stress out your knees and irritate the nerves of your kneecaps or the overstretched tendons that hold them in place Weakness or imbalance of the hip and knee muscles, which can lead to misalignment of the kneecap and cause stress to be distributed unevenly in the knee joint The cartilage behind the knee cap could get bruised and causes pain Symptoms? Patellofemoral pain syndrome causes pain under and around the knee. The pain often gets worse with walking, kneeling, squatting, going up or down stairs, or running. It may also hurt after sitting with a bent knee for a long time, such as in a long car ride or in a movie theater. Some people with PFP syndrome feel a "popping" or creaking after getting up from sitting or when going up or down stairs. How to treat it? Reduce activity till pain subsides Ice it a lot immediately after a run (Reduce swelling and hence pain will reduce) Long term - Weakness in Thigh muscles/Hips causes misalignment. So need to fix that. Follow the kinetic chain strengthening exercises religiously Wearing a knee Brace/Taping the knee or in some case shoe inserts will also help on alignment Bonus Material: Check out this short video I had with Dr. Raghuram, India's premier Orthopedic surgeon on the Knee joint and typical injuries faced therin
Patello Femoral Pain Syndrome - Runners Knee content media
Mar 02, 2022
In Health & Injuries
Shin splits - What is it you ask? Well pain on either side of the shin bone or Tibia or that long bone on your leg below the knee. Common problem for most new runners and some seasoned runners too. Shin splints are an overuse injury to the tibial (shin) region of the leg, caused by repetitive impact and strain on the shin and surrounding tissues. Shin splints occur when frequent stress on the shin exceeds the body’s capacity to recover from micro-damage caused by the stress How does it feel like? Well crappy to say the least! :-) In typical cases, shin splints pain is usually felt two-thirds of the way down the tibia, just off the inside edge of the bone. In the early stages, shin splints pain is usually felt at the beginning of a run and then normally subsides during the training session itself. Commonly, symptoms also tend to reduce a few minutes after a given run session has finished. Why it happens? Weak calf muscle, over use of calf muscle and the Tibial Bending! Wait.. WTH is Tibial bending?: Imagine pole vaulter.. see how much the pole bends to hoist the athlete.. well that is good for a pole vaulter. But the same thing can happen on your Tibia when you run causing that slight bending of the tibial bone (leg bone) and boom - Shin pain! How to treat you ask? Firstly this is overuse injury.. so reduce running for some time ICE ICE ICE... it works like a CHARM Focussed foam roller on the pain area to remove knots.. Running form: Increase cadence, reduce stride length .. so your foot lands closer to the body. Akin to the pole vaulter placing the pole much close.. so far less bending and voila you are reducing the tibial bending situation and hence shin pain! I want to learn more.. how? Check this
Shin Splits - Common painful injury
 content media
Mar 02, 2022
In Running Theory & Techniques
This is all about managing your in mile energy and enthusiasm.. One way to think about CP runs and long runs is Banked runs. All my runs including the race is banked runs only. So i run a bit higher than CP and bring the mile splits to CP by banking it last 0.1mile. Mentally it gives me bit of rest, time to check my phone and send messages, take pictures, tweet.. all that good stuff 🙂 We dont have to over think here on this..initially the goal is to have a break at the end of every mile.. that is your banked run strategy. So have a target in mind in terms of your splits and try running a little faster than that till say 0.9 miles and walk for 0.1 mile see where you end up against the target and how you feel.. work your way from there.. missed target split.. then you either run a bit faster or stop later or have a higher target splits. As simple as that


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